Say Hello to the New Albin 27 Owners Club

Dear Fellow Albin 27 Owners:

It’s been a long term goal to create a dedicated website and club for the Albin 27 boat. It’s important that there be a public space where how-to and technical information can be kept regarding these boats. To maintain focus, the club and website is only for the Albin 27. This site is not meant to compete with the Albin Owners Association or the Albin 25/27 Facebook Group. Each internet site has its own purpose and things it does well. The new Albin 27 Owners Group will bridge the gap and remain permanent, allowing those other sites to do what they do best, or perhaps change, or even close down over time.

There’s lots of work to be done. MotorCity Boat Werks YouTube Channel has donated money to pay for for the first 3 years of the club website, in addition to designing and creating a club website that can be expanded upon over time. Please be patient, it may take some time to get the Forum operating, the Workshops up and running, and the page content in place. Please consider volunteering your own Albin 27 content (tips and tricks and how-to) so that everyone can share in your knowledge. Please join the club and spread the word to other Albin 27 owners, past and present. Please consider volunteering your time for workshops, website management, forum moderation, etc.

To join the Albin 27 Owners Club please send an email introducing yourself. Tell us about your Albin 27, which model you have, where you’re from, and why you’d like to join the club. (Contact information is shared. And we never trade or sell emails.) If you’re accepted into the club you will receive Forum Login Instructions and additional information. At this time all forum registrations and membership, and website issues are being managed by MotorCity Boat Werks.

The Albin 27 Owners Club 

Albin 27 Family Cruiser Albin 27 Sport

Questions or Comments?

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